Posts Tagged ‘ATC


Zentangles on Different Papers

Today I worked on two ATC’s from Canson MiTientes Pastel 98lb papers. One is on an ochre colored paper, and the other on a light brown. I used a Pigma Micron 005 black pen and a #2 pencil for shading, but on the colored papers I needed to add highlights, and that was done with a Conte white pencil. I really enjoyed working on the smaller ATC size.I also created my first Zentangle on the 140lb printmaking paper “Tiepolo” by Fabriano paper makers. I cut the paper into 3 1/2 in squares, the standard Zentangle size. It is a lovely paper to work with.  It has a smooth, but slightly textured surface. Again,I used my Pigma Micron 005 black pen, which I prefer to the 01 for its finer line. I used the #2 pencil and a blending stump to create shading. This work contains the tangles “Squid”, “Ynix” and “Pepper”. I embellished it with “Fescue” and “Locar”, and a tangle of my own that I call “Chicken Tracks”.ImageImageImage

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"to be in a wonderful state of creative chaos due to an overactive imagination that is always questioning...what if"

All Tangled Up

A place to share my Zentangle art and other random ruminations.

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created March 1, 2012

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